So here we go on the transformation:
1. Custom rear fender, adjusted
2. Home made fender struths
3. WB Shocks
4. Longer alu swing arm
5. Suzuki rear wheel and brake (
Edit: must be Yamaha R1...)
6. Home made sadle
7. Strethed tank, adjusted
8. Home made, stainless steel, intake
9. Home made triple trees
10. Suzuki front fork (
Edit: must be Yamaha R1...)
11. Suzuki front wheel and brake (
Edit: must be Yamaha R1...)
12. Home made handle bar
13. VROD head light
14. Custom rear light
Ooops, did I say ten differences...?
I think I missed some changes, so Pat was more busy then this. Next to the bike he has another project... a chevy pick-up...