In these cold days before Christmas, -4 to -6 degrees Celsius during the nights and mornings (feels like -20 when riding at 80 km's/hour) makes you think of warmer days...
Washing the sickle is one of the things that has to be done during riding season and the guy in the picture has a strange radical way of doing that... Like it!... Only a couple of months to go...
Till then (as long there is no snow or ice on the roads) I'll be riding with the sun in my head to keep me from freezing...! (Did I say earlier it wasn't gonne be cold...? I lieing I guess...
IT'S BLOODY COLD! Fingers are freezing and little ponds are under my key board when I de-frost at work... Ha ha ha
I know, it's my own freezing bloody choice...!
(Pica source: anoldbikermagazinefromtheattic)