Indead, where the Free Wheels bike and car show/festival was held... My family and I had an optique overthere and wanted to walk from the Free Wheels campsite to the village... We were stopped by the Frensh guy in the red shirt, a member of the White Troopers mc... I acted stupid (easy role for me) as if I didn't understand him and almost pissed him off... " No, to dangerous...!" he said... I replied: "No, we just want walk to the village" Him more crumpy then before: "No!... To dangerous..!!" Me: "Ok, merci..."...
Ooops... didn't want to get my ass kicked in front of the kids...
We tooks some picas and returned to the car, took a loop around and ended up almost in the center of the village by car (!)... Took a load more picas, had a drink and scooted off again... Next time: going without the kids...
Nice chopper by the way...!
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